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Winter Retreat - Eggnog Scented Candle

Winter Retreat - Eggnog Scented Candle

Regular price $25.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $25.00 CAD
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Because there's not enough booze in the world to deal with this crap.

We all know the holidays are stressful, and it's ten times worse if your family does it dry. This candle will at least give you the soothing aroma of eggnog spices to help get you through a visit with your questionable cousin or self-centered sibling while dodging your parents' questions about when are you finally going to get married.

  • Votive: Lasts up to 10 hours. Great in small spaces like bathrooms.
  • 240 g/8 oz: Lasts up to 40 hours. Best in relatively small spaces like bedrooms and larger bathrooms
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